Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Glo worm of love.

I just had a thought (reoccurring)...

We tend to take our friends for granted.

On that note,
thisismysongthough, made a video inspired by one of my tweets (twitter) & it blew me away. As you can tell I have been thinking a lot about friendship lately. As I get older I become very selective of who I trust. Important milestones are under way. Oh age.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Feeling numb & new.

I could sleep ALL DAMN DAY and not move. I am both very physically and emotionally exhausted from the countless hours of standing, moving around, dealing with (asshole) people, and the lack of sleep I’ve gotten from volunteering for "Planet in Focus". Yet I still enjoyed it and plan on volunteering again.

Also, It feels weird not commenting back to people on my last video since I always try too but Youtube can wait until this paralyzing feeling wears off.

Finally, the heater has been fixed (almost one week later), as of today. Yay for warminess. Speaking of coldness, I am supposed to wash my newly dyed hair with cold water (to maintain the colour) but HELL NO! No cold water for me in this weather. Therefore, the colour will fade. Meh, there are bigger problems like people dying. I had the chance to watch some films at the festival; very uplifting and sad. When I'm complaining about stupid shit (like my hair), I try to remember what I have...which is a lot more than some, even if I don't have that much.

I have to close my eyes for a bit. Much Love.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In need of a warm hug.

So today was the first official sighting of snow; tough it was light and more like rain it still foreshadowed what is to come. I must admit that though I really enjoy the snow and cold I only really do so with warm things near by, such as a warm coffee, fireplace, jacket and/or cuddle. We're (I) spoiled that way.

Unfortunately, the heater in my house has broken down and for some stupid reason the air conditioner was on for over 3 hours. I think my dad thought heat would magically appear...ugh.

I'm way too cold for the Internet and doing Youtube stuff today, as commenting or watching videos so I shall sleep soon, but I did get this comment exceed code tonight which made me smile with irony. I want warminess. Anyways, I have to be up at 6:00am tomorrow. Yay!. Bye lovelies. Oh and I want to thank everyone who leaves me comments on my ramblings. I really am flattered and feel the love.

Be well everyone!

I'm off to snuggle warm in my bedsheets.

P.S. I really want one of these:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Like a fat kid eating cake.

I decided to change my layout here. I am quite content. Anyways...

So one of my loyal subscribers who has always been good to me, PM'ed me and told me I was getting fat (excuse me while I pause to laugh), which is probably true since I eat like a fat cow with no worries in the world. Actually, I eat more than ever before so excuse me while I eat a cookie while typing this and gaining the 40 pounds I have lost since last year back. Also, let me post a picture of a yummy carrot cake and tart for all you skinny health people. I had milk with the tart, that's healthy enough right?! haha no. Honestly though, I'm not dying and I'm happy, and that's all that matters. I just think it's funny that people will go out of their way to call you fat out of "concern".

In other news, my grandma is in the hospital which has put me in a weird mental state, but we can't live thinking people will live forever, because they won't. I'm more sad at the fact that she is or may be suffering. Suffering is a part of life but so is sadness. Therefore, I am sad.

Oh and I bought a headband and sometimes my camera works and doesn't. It's very picky :D


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fashion without a camera.

This is a completely self-indulgent post because I want this dress really badly. Like now. I'm on the search! It's gorgeous.

Speaking of fashion, Billi (billilovesmargot) and I share a common interest in fashion and it is what inspired (Nylon) my birthday video for him.

Finally, I'm having camera problems. My video footage is out of sync with the audio and it skips. I hope it's not really broken because I can't afford a new one. I guess no videos for a while. We'll see.

Sit tight and take care.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Simple update.

People! It's October, whaaaaat?!

Times are a changing, but remaining somehow.

By the way, I've traded a hobby with another.

Sometimes when you love something to death it gets boring. If there's no passion in what you do, don't bother. Breaks are nice.

Also, I've forgotten how much I missed doing photography. I used to heavily do it before Youtube. Obviously the photo of me is complete crap since I couldn't get an angle, but I found it weird just to post photos of a 'random' guy :D

The photos were taken on the day I went to a book fair (Sunday). I'm reading more too. Books are sexy.


Be well everyone.